Go With The Flow: Measurement


Know Before

Storm events can cause large quantities of fast-flowing water to erode the streambanks and days of extremely hot temperatures and little rain can cause the same stream to seemingly dry up and disappear.

Get Out The Door

  1. Time the velocity of the orange. An ideal stretch for completing this activity is a fairly straight section, about 15m in length. 

  2. Select and mark an upstream start location and a downstream end location. 

  3. Measure the distance along the stream bank between these points. 

  4. Drop the orange in at the start marker and time how long it takes for the orange to cross the end mark. 

  5. Conduct two more trials.

Think Some More


  • naval orange*

  • tape measure

  • timer

  • twigs for marking,

*a partially filled water bottle or a small foam ball also works but must be easily retrievable.


Go With The Flow: Observation


Riparian Vegetation: Extent