Location, Location: Bearings


Know Before

A compass can help you get oriented on the landscape and it’s needed for orienting a map. Most cell phones have a compass app available to use if you don’t have access to a physical one.

Did you know that magnetic north is located about 500km away from geographic north? In Niagara, this is an adjustment of about 10°west. If you take a compass reading, the longitudinal geographic location would be 10° less.  Some compasses can be set to adjust for this declination.

Get Out The Door

Taking a bearing can also be useful for establishing the direction to face for photo monitoring. Here’s how to take a bearing;

  1. Hold the compass flat on your hand with the direction of travel arrow on the base pointing in the direction you wish to get the bearing for.

  2. Rotate the compass dial (bezel) until the magnetized needle is inside the orienting arrow.

  3. Look at the index line (in line with the direction of travel arrow) to read the bearing indicated on the bezel.

  4. If the compass is not adjusted for declination, and you are in Niagara, subtract 10° from the reading.

Think Some More

Why is it important to know where you are in relation to other things?

How can a compass help if you are lost, or disoriented, in a natural area?

Bring Along

  • compass


Sounds Surround

