Get ready, get set…
Know Before
While exploring outdoors make your personal safety priority number one. Use caution at all times and be aware that as weather conditions change, stream volumes can fluctuate to dangerous levels. In Twelve Mile Creek's headwaters an intermittent channel may seem dry, but after a rain event, or after the snowmelt of a spring freshette, the volume and flow rates increase dramatically. Lower portions of the watershed can be extremely turbulent and dangerous at all times.
Get Out The Door
Be aware of ticks and Lyme disease. Learn to prevent tick bites. Cover up and tuck long pants into long socks.
Found a tick? There’s an app for that! Upload photos to to determine if it’s a black-legged tick, a carrier of Lyme disease. Uploaded citizen science data supports the tracking of tick populations and movement across Canada.
Learn to identify and avoid poison ivy to prevent adverse reactions.
Be aware of wildlife inhabiting the area. If you come across a rabies vector animal like a raccoon, fox or bat, observe from afar and do not touch deceased animals.
Let someone know where you are going, have a backup plan and explore with a buddy.
Take a phone and a map with you.
Enjoy your exploration!