Choose how to explore the many moods of Twelve Mile Creek.
Take It Outside!
Visiting Twelve Mile Creek is the best way to learn about the watershed and appreciate the interconnectedness of this special location in Niagara. Select from the following activity suggestions to focus your observations and reflections. Use these tools and techniques to support exploring and monitoring of this shared resource.
Get ready, get set…
Numerous tributaries in the headwaters of 12 Mile Creek converge to make up the watershed. Although much of the creek flows through private properties, many locations are accessible to explore.
Sit For A Bit
A sit spot is a favourite place in nature that you visit and experience regularly. It’s a place where you can take it all in and choose to be observant and reflective.
Sounds Surround
Numerous ecological interactions occur surrounding a creek. Listening closely can help you to identify living organisms in the area.